May Ramy Younes
May has a professional and managerial experience that extends more than 20 years in educational leadership, organizational development and positive psychology fields. She holds a Master's Degree in Public Policy and Administration from AUC (2012) and a Post Graduatie Professional Diploma in Human Resources Management (2015) . She is currently the Senior Director for Co-curricular Programs at the American University of Cairo and the founder of the Life Mentorship Program at the AUC.
May is a lead coach and business consultant for senior executives in multiple national and international industries, a Senior Trainer and Human Development Coach at Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. and a Master Trainer at the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt and Senior Instructor at the AUC School of Business Executive Education.
She is an expert in the science of happiness and wellbeing consultant from the Happiness Studies Academy (HA), accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). May is also a certified (RYT-200) Therapeutic and Vinyasa Yoga Instructor, integrates yoga, meditation, breath-work and mindfulness into her coaching and happiness workshops.
Saturday 09th Mar24
Athletes' Life Wholebeing
Why Mentorship is Important in Athletes' Life Wholebeing?